NETWORK Corporate Finance: Ihr Partner, Berater und Umsetzer

Selling or Buying a Company: Transaction Advisory with NETWORK

NETWORK advises on the company sale or divestment, on growth financing on a planned acquisition of a competitor and with capital market transactions.

Our clients are medium-sized companies, international corporations and private equity investors. NETWORK is owner-managed and therefore independent of third-party interests. We are solely committed to the success of our clients and conduct our mandates with the highest degree of dedication. 

Company succession

NETWORK advises medium-sized companies, international corporations and private equity investors on succession solutions, strategic sales and mergers. succession solutions. We structure, manage and successfully implement the sale process of your company.

Equity Financing

NETWORK supports in the search for as well as the conclusion of an investment by an external investor with the aim of providing your company with the required capital resources to achieve your growth objectives.

Debt Advisory with Network

NETWORK advises medium-sized companies and financial investors on the restructuring of an existing financing and on the development of new sources of capital. We develop an optimised debt financing structure for your investment and growth objectives.

Going public & being public

In the field of capital market consulting, NETWORK advises medium-sized clients on all issues related to equity financing via a public listing. We accompany our clients both on the way to a successful IPO and during the listing process.

Equity Financing

NETWORK supports in the search for as well as the conclusion of an investment by an external investor with the aim of providing your company with the required capital resources to achieve your growth objectives.

Debt Advisory with Network

NETWORK berät mittelständische Unternehmer und Finanzinvestoren bei der Strukturierung bestehender Finanzierungen und bei der Erschließung neuer Kapitalquellen. Wir erarbeiten für Ihre Investitions- und Wachstumziele eine optimierte Fremdfinanzierungsstruktur.

Going public & being public

Im Bereich der Kapitalmarktberatung berät NETWORK mittelständische Mandanten in allen Fragen der Eigenkapitalfinanzierung über die Börsen. We accompany our clients both on the way to a successful IPO and during the listing process.